At 10:30 a.m, Thursday, March 18th, 2021, the whole faculty of the Department of Electronic and Biomedicine of the the School of the School of Electrical & Information Engineering attended the demonstration class held in Room 117 of the Sanshan Building entitled Digital Electronic Technology delivered by Wang Zhenyu of the Department. The class was undertaken for the purpose of further improving the teaching quality, strengthening the exchange of teaching experience and promoting the overall educational and teaching level of the faculty. Wang is the course leader of Electronic Technology of the Department of Electronic and Biomedicine. He has been devoted to the teaching and research of electronic technology course for many years, and has plentiful teaching experience and prolific teaching ability.
In his lecture, Wang presented the teaching content that had been well designed into a reasonable teaching plan of several stages and highlighted the division between important and unimportant contents. His deliver of the lecture was clear and succinct. He showed great proficiency in teaching skills, presenting the theoretically profound content by enlisting the help of simulation experiment and making it easy for students to understand by means of simplifying complex ideas into simple expressions. The elements of ideological and political education were integrated into the whole classroom instruction process to transmit positive energy, guiding students to arouse the students’ patriotic enthusiasm and build up their national self-confidence, and daring them to work steadfastly and courageously in the course of climbing up the peaks in the field of science and technology.
The demonstration class provides the opportunity for the faculty to learn from each other and a platform for them to exchange their teaching experience. It serves as a means of making improvement through speculation. After class, all the faculty members had a heated discussion and exchanged their ideas on how to make up for disadvantages and constantly improve the quality of teaching quality and the comprehensive faculty quality. In the future, the Department will focus on the construction of “New Engineering”, making effort to constantly reinforcing the course ideological and political education, to build the first-class courses and first-class major based on providing services and oriented towards the talent market under the guidance of the ideology and objectives of the development during the 14th Five-year Plan period of the University and the School.
(Department of Electronics and Biomedicine, School of Electrical and Information Engineering)

图1 课前准备 图2 预习效果摸底

图3 现场提问与互动 图4 理论联系实践

图5 课程融入思政元素 图6 教师听课并参与线上答题