From February 24th to 26th, the Center for Faculty Development of Jiangsu University organized the training on information-based teaching for UJS teachers, aiming at ensuring their successful online teaching and improving their information-based teaching ability.

The Center for Faculty Development invited the head of the information-based teaching ability promotion team, the representative of the prize-winner in the teaching competition and the instructional design expert from Chaoxing Erya to share their experience on the online blended teaching plans, the multimodal teaching practice, effective online teaching strategies under the Covid-19 pandemic and the blended teaching design based on Xuexitong platform, etc. Over 200 teachers participated in the training.
The training has broadened teachers’ new horizons and provide them with practical guidance and suggestions in many aspects such as online teaching concepts, methods, techniques and tools, etc. UJS will take the training as an important starting point to improve teachers' information-based teaching ability and it is hoped that teachers could put into practice what they have learned and ensure the effective online teaching.